Friday, April 24, 2009
Kellina's first...
You new it had to happen sometime, but I didn't think it would happen this soon. Yep, Kellina got her first fat lip.This is very bad news for the little thumb sucker. It hurt every time she sucked, but that's how she comforts herself. What a struggle. At first she didn't want me to take her picture, but after seeing it she changed her mind. So cute even in pain.
Melia, Melia, Melia
She is one unique per
son. Some of the things she says and does blow my mind, make me smile, and make me wonder who she takes after. Yesterday at the store she asked how to say cow in Chinese, she did all her counting in Spanish, and she played dress up with her snack bowls. Picture included. Her funny comment came after trying on her costume for her dance recital. I had to pull on it hard to get it over her bum. I then said you sure have your moms bum. She looked at me very serious and said,"How did it get there?"
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Sunny Days!!
Yes have had a few sunny days and I took my five and Maria's one to the park to enjoy the sun. Maria was there too. I figured 2 adults to 6 kids isn't bad. Most of Kellina's photos are of her back because I asked to take her picture and she said no and ran. I did chase her down and catch a big grin.
Oops. There was really 7 kids because Samantha's friend Christina was with us too.

Oops. There was really 7 kids because Samantha's friend Christina was with us too.
Attention Seeker!
Jeff was trying to get a shot of the two of us together. Just us! This is what we got instead.
Like Father Like Son
They already sleep alike. Joshua is on one end and Jeff(of course) is on the other. They are my perfect book ends.
Naked baby...
On Sunday we decided that after church we would head out to Everson and visit Mom and Larry. Everything was going very well until it was time to leave and go to evening service at church. It was then that Joshua decided to have an explosive poop. Normally not a big deal, but when you have forgotten your diaper bag at church and there are no baby clothes at grandmas mom begins to panic. Jeff was the voice of reason reminding me we were headed to the diaper bag and could get him dressed at church. I was the voice of embarrassed. What mother brings a naked baby to church. It did all work out and I bonded with a few other mothers who had similar stories. The worst part was probably that the boys then had matching outfits on so the nursery people couldn't tell them apart.
The Hair FIASCO!!!
I recently decided that my darker hair need to be lightened up. I used a cap and while Jeff was at softball practice I pulled my hair through and did highlights. Jeff thought they looked great I didn't agree. The next day against my husbands wishes and with a 20 dollar spending limit I set out to correct the situation. I thought that all over blonde would do the trick. Well all that did was turn my hair orange. Samantha's comment was," I like it mom its orange." I lived that way for the morning and then called Jeff and discussed my options. I had about a 15 dollar budget now and I thought I would try blonde once more. It came out yellow. Jeff laughed. I cried then headed to the store one more time. I came back and by dinner I was again a brunette. Although I have gotten many compliments on the new color and how flattering it is. Jeff said it looks good like before I did anything. I don't have all the colors in photos, but here I the ones I do have.

Monday, April 13, 2009
Crazy Lady
What does a family of five with baby twins need? Well the obvious answer is a bigger house. The crazy lady answer is a puppy. I may have lost my mind, but I have puppy fever like never before. I've always wanted a small dog and our babysitter breeds Rat Terriers. They are so cute and just what I've always wanted. See I told you I was crazy. My poor husband is stuck listening to me whine a lot. He finally agreed to go and look at the puppies. Yes that is my behind in the air trying to get a puppy to come out and visit. As of right now there is no new dog in my house, but it is my birthday in May.
Samantha is holding the puppy that the girls and I like. I'm holding the puppy Jeff likes and Kellina is playing with one of the grown up dogs.
Happy Easter
He has risen!! He has risen indeed!! A few years ago this is how church and Easter began. The Pastor said He has risen! Then everyone except the Doyles said He has risen indeed. This year we really tried to express the true meaning of Easter to the girls. Easter baskets came from people not a bunny and the resurrection story was read. At night we asked Melia what Easter was about and she said Jesus coming back to life. I guess we did okay. We did have fun visiting with family and doing an in door egg hunt. We also took the boys to see their great grandparents. Great grandpa told Jeff he hopes to be around long enough to see the boys as toddlers and I think he'll make it just fine. Mom made a very yummy ham and Jeff got to jam with Larry. It was another day of staggered visit, so the day was very unstressfull. Kellina was cute finding eggs and yelling AN EGG every time she saw one.

Lions, Tigers and Bears! Oh My!!

Thursday Jeff and I decided that it would be fun to surprise the girls with a day out. We thought that the zoo would be a good place that everyone would enjoy. Thursday we told the girls that we were going somewhere fun in the morning, but didn't say where. We didn't tell them where we were headed until we pulled up at the zoo! It was so fun to see their faces light up with delight. Although we learned at ten Samantha isn't as easy to keep a secret from. She can read and saw the directions in the front of the van. She was good about keeping it to herself though. Anyways, it was the funnest thing we have done as a family for a while. There was so much to do and so not enough time. We all fell in love with a little gorilla and already have plans to go back and check in on him again soon. These are some of my favorite photos.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Short Hair
My little girls have not been blessed with thick beautiful hair. So far they have my straight fine thin hair. This means many mornings in tears as mom tries to get through the knots. I decided finally that the shorter the hair the easier to brush. That means we call in Grandma. Not only is it affordable, but they turned out adorable. Besides Grandma has a cool cape to put on and always cleans up after herself.

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Eggs Eggs everywhere......
With Easter coming it means the kids dye eggs. I know that I should spend more time telling them about Easter and why we really celebrate, but I just enjoyed eggs this week so far. Although Samantha did correct Maria about Palm Sunday so some learning is happening. This year we invited over Maria, Bella, Janis, and Aspen to dye eggs with us. I told everyone if they wanted to keep their eggs to bring their own. I also told them I was starting at 10 am with or with out them. With 5 kids and 2 of them nursing schedules are everything. So at 10 am Melia, Kellina, Samantha, and I dyed our eggs. It was fun! Then Janis and Aspen came close to 11 am. They had raw eggs and Samantha hard boiled them and then helped Aspen to dye them. Janis was in and out by 12. A fun fast visit. Then Maria and Bella came closer to 1 pm. They had a crazy morning that involved a neighbor walking in to their apartment in his underwear and t-shirt. He's not the most stable person. Kids this is why you should always lock your door!! Anyways, she also had raw eggs that Samantha hard boiled and then helped Bella dye. Maria got to decorate with Bella after many a phone call to many a people. In the end it all worked out well. There was never fighting about eggs because there was never to many kids trying to do it all at once, Samantha is now an expert in the art of egg dying, and everyone has pretty eggs for Easter. Samantha is most excited that we will have hard boiled eggs to eat with salt and eat in sandwiches. Thanks for the fun memories everyone.

Two Peas in a Pod!!

God is on my side!
The other day the girls were all pretending to be ducks. Melia got a new stuffed animal the other day and its her duck Nana. Thanks Mom. Anyways, I was the fox sitting on the couch nursing one of the boys. Suddenly Melia popped out from the corner and said,"You can't get me fox. I may be small, but I have God on my side!" She had a very serious look and repeated that God was on her side even though she is small. She then pretended to throw a stone at the mean fox. Turns out that all the times she is having us read David and Goliath she is really listening. What a little sponge!
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