Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Kellina's cake
Kellina was working very hard the other day near the couch. After awhile she said,"Mom help the baby is getting my cake!" I went to help her and this is what I saw.
It was a beautiful cake so I asked if she wanted me to take its picture. She jumped at the offer and into the picture.
All I want for Christmas is..
my two cute boys. Oh, yeah I already have them and they're even in a nice box.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Last Friday we loaded up the family and met our friends at the bowling alley. Before going I had told my friend that I was going to prove who the better bowler was. It turns out she was!! My best game was an eighty-three. It was a lot of fun though and the kids had a blast!

Technical difficulties.
My plan was to share the cute new video of Caleb walking. Yep, walking at 10 1/2 months. Turns out that won't happen yet. I have no idea how to import video off my new camera. I plan on redoing the first walking moments using my old camera, but until then you'll just have to believe me. He is the cutest little walker out there. I also wanted to share an adorable video of the boys in their high chairs playing the piano. Since I can't share that video I thought I could at least share the photos. You can't hear the beautiful music they were making, but its better than nothing.

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Melting mama's heart
They were so happy with the toys they found at Grandmas. Joshua has a raw hide bone and Caleb has a mouse with a jingle bell on the tail.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sunday Portraits
The kids looked so cute this Sunday I had to try my best to get their photos. I think Samantha must have been cleaning her room because I have no shots of her. Here's Joshua. 
Kellina. The dress she has on was the one Samantha wore as the flower girl at my wedding. 
Aren't they soooo cute!
Monday, November 16, 2009
New milestones
Joshua has decided that he doesn't want to be the only one who can't stand, so....
Yikes! I thought I would have one who stayed down for a little while,but the boys have other plans. Caleb has started to take steps.
Its not walking yet, but very soon I'm sure he'll take off. 10 monthes old is to young for all this stuff right? Caleb also got his first fat lip last night.
Melia was pulling him around on her blanket which he loved until he did a face plant. With hard wood floors I'm glad all he got was a fat lip. So many first so little time!!
crafty kids = cozy home!
I got the idea for these super cute blankets from a friends blog. Since my oldest loves crafting and I don't have many crafting skills these were the perfect project.
I made Kellina's for her with help from one of Samantha's friends. Melia was very involved with the cutting and knot tying of hers. All Samantha needed was instruction and off she went. She worked very hard and felt very good once she completed hers.
They are unique to each girls taste which made picking the fabric fun. Melia was purple, her favorite color, Kellina wanted to look like Blues Clues little brother, and Samantha went with a cute kitty quilt. This project made me realize in my dream home I will have a sewing/crafting room!

Friday, November 13, 2009
I am so glad that God gave us a brain with an imagination. Melia has really been putting hers to good use lately. Yesterday Melia came in the room looking like this.
She then stated, "I'm an Egyptian!" What makes this get up Egyptian I don't know, but it was darn cute. A couple days ago she came out of a room looking like this.
She was a spy on this day and needed her spy high heels. The small toy was her flash light so she could see in the dark. What a big imagination this girl has!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Friends and Family!
Two of the best things around. Our last weekend had both. Saturday we visited with friends for music and dinner.
Dinner was good and the music has inspired me to try and learn how to play the piano(cause I have tons of spare time). The next day we had Jeff's mom over to celebrate her birthday. It was fun for all. Jeff tried to light the candles by himself ,
but it was taking so long he ended up needing help.
Then his mom needed help to blow out all the candles.
No, I'm not saying shes getting old:) It was truly a fun filled weekend.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
You know your little girl is growing up when...
... she can blow bubbles with her gum,
she says, "If I whistle that means I need you." and she really can whistle, and lastly when she no longer thinks these are giant marshmallows.
Last year Melia cracked us all up when we drove past a field and she yelled, "Look giant marshmallows!" Ever since then we all point these out and get excited about the giant marshmallows. Recently though on the drive to my moms after the normal excitement Melia asked, "Mom whats really inside those things?" Now when we go by shes quick to point out they're really just hay. Yep Melia you are getting to be a very big girl.

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Oliver has arrived!
We were blessed tonight to have our friends drop in on us with their beautiful new son Oliver.
He was born Nov. 6th at 8:51 pm. They left the hospital today and we got a visit!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009
New poses
Joshua use to be famous for his super model pose, but that time is coming to an end. One of his new favorite poses is this.
Or this.
He is as pretty laid back kinda guy.
Mushroom Tour II
After my first mushroom post I got a good tip about a park in Lynden with some very nice mushrooms. My obsession with mushrooms is purely to take their picture. My mother likes to eat them and was correct about the last ones being edible. I did however have Samantha look up all the info she could about mushrooms the night before we went hunting. The adventure for Samantha became a field trip with her friend and I couldn't believe how excited to girls were to find mushrooms. Samantha got to share all she learned. I let Samantha bring our old camera and take all the pictures she wanted!
For Melia it was another chance to explore.
I don't know for sure that this is a mushroom, but it had a lot of mushroom qualities. Some mushrooms were tiny. See if you can spot them in this photo.
If you can't see it, it is in the bottom left corner. Here are the rest of my photos that I liked the best!

This mushroom is one that Melia the explorer found all on her own.
What did Kellina enjoy about the trip you may wonder. Well, I'll show you.
Yep, horse poop! She demanded to see this! The mushrooms came in all shapes and sizes. Some were huge!

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