Friday, January 29, 2010
Do you know the commercial on TV now where they show everyday objects that look like faces. They start out with sad faces and end with happy ones. The girls and I love to watch them and spot the faces. Well, Melia was on the couch with dad and noticed a face.
She noticed the eyes(blue lights from the PlayStation), and the diamond nose. Since the face needed a mouth she found a way to add it. And no face is complete with out a hat! She then moved to the other side and made a face with tissues.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Whoo Hoo
While driving on I-5 this is what I heard.
"Look mom a cement filler! Whoo Hoo! I love cement fillers!" (The big kind with the hose not just a dumper.) And what little kid yelled this. Samantha! Yep, almost 11 and still finds pleasure in the little things. Gotta love her.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
You know you're a ...
mom of many when you look over and think how did he get in there(washing machine). Not panicking just pondering. Then it dawns on you no one is in there except some feety PJs.
When you walk into the bathroom and instead of being upset by what your boys are doing you pull out the camera and take a picture. Boys will be boys!
Well with an angelic face like this who could really get mad.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Taking on Soccer

Monday, January 25, 2010
Tasting Spring

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Make up
No not the kind where you say I'm sorry. The kind you put on your face and rely on to look human. Okay maybe that's an over statement, but at least to help you look less tired! My girls love make up! At grandmas they put it on and do their hair. Then their entire attitude changes before your very eyes. They start to worry about smudging their lipstick. The mirrors come out and they can't get enough of themselves. I will admit it gives me a big glimpse into the future.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
BIG Boys
How can you tell when your babies aren't your babies any more? Well for starters when you say "Lets go bye bye" and they run to the door making happy sounds and start to bang. Sign language is getting used more and more. Baby Baby Baby is echoing from through out the house.(not knowing what it means). Different words start to pop out when they copy your speech. If asked a question they shake their head no at you(even if the answer is yes). They want to walk not sit in that thing that rolls them around. Climbing out of and onto everything is fun. Yes these are a few of the things my BIG boys do now. Oh, they only have bottles because mom was working. They were watching football this day with dad and relaxing.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I love to cook. Baking though scares me. What can I say I worry that I will mess it all up and wreck something. I recently was able to rope a friend into baking with me. In my eyes she is much more talented in this area then me. I convinced her to make graham crackers. I have always wanted to and now I had the chance. It was a lot of fun and I learned its okay to not be perfect at what you do. It is more about the experience. Okay so coming out of it with some yummy food is a good thing too. Neither one of us had made graham crackers before and it took us till the last batch to not burn them, but I think the little kids enjoyed. I mean look at Zeke before his cracker...
with his cracker..
and after he got done with his first bite.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
She is one amazing little girl. She is out going, head strong, and very funny. She potty trained herself at 18 months and now at 4 she decided she needs to learn how to read. She also enjoys being the center of attention so very much! So when I found her in the living room playing this game with her sisters I knew she was in heaven.
I thought she looked like she was trying to be Mary, she was really Queen Clarion(from Tinkerbell). I am amazed at how she is growing so quickly. The other day we were all in the living room and Melia was drawing on her toy. When she got done I could actually tell what she had drawn.
For those of you who don't watch Barbie movies this is Rapunzel and the horse on the movie. Okay you may have guessed that even with out seeing the Barbie version. I mean look at that long flowing hair. She was also the one who wrote her name on top. This may seem like a bit to much bragging, but I just am so in love with this little girl and can't wait to see what else she does.

For those of you who don't watch Barbie movies this is Rapunzel and the horse on the movie. Okay you may have guessed that even with out seeing the Barbie version. I mean look at that long flowing hair. She was also the one who wrote her name on top. This may seem like a bit to much bragging, but I just am so in love with this little girl and can't wait to see what else she does.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Kellina's favorites

Friday, January 8, 2010
Yesterday as I woke the girls up from their nap little Kellina popped her thumb out of her mouth and said....
"My mouth tastes like there is poison in it."
How she would know what poison taste like I have no idea. I will take credit for the idea though because Jeff and I are always telling kids not to put things in their mouth because its poison. What a doll. By the way she is for sure a thumb sucker! But beyond that her biggest comfort is eyebrows. She sucks her thumb and rubs her eyebrow at the same time. And if I lay next to her in bed she rubs my eyebrows. She told me she loves eyebrows and eye lashes. Again I say what a doll!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Jeff and I planned to have Melia and Kellina close together. I thought Kellina was going to be our last baby and we wanted the kids close in age. Now I would say God also thought having the kids close together was a good plan. Anyways, my siblings are 11 and 13 years older then me and I grew up almost as an only child. After meeting Jeff's sister and seeing her girls play together I knew I wanted my kids close in age. I wanted them to be buddies and it seems to have worked.
I don't want to leave Samantha out. Even though she is older then all the others she is a great buddy to all.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
A new beginning...
"Well mom, I think we should read the Bible. In the New Testament we can read Jesus talking and in the Old Testament we can read what the prophets said about him."
Such a simple and true answer. I hope to keep up on the reading and expect people to check in with me and help keep me on track. The main question... Isn't God worth an hour of my day?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The best gift ever!
This year we were surprised by a gift from my step-brother and his girl friend. It was a box with 4 ice cream bowls, ice cream scoop and ice cream toppers(yummy). The gift was great, but the best part was the box. It provided hours of entertainment for my boys. 
They even tried getting in together. Which went O.K. for a little while.
In the end though Joshua ended up in tears as usual.
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