Friday, March 26, 2010
One nice thing about larger families is you have more helpers. In this family I start them out young. 
This is one of Caleb's favorite things to do. I don't always let him, but he was just to darn cute! I love that in the bottom picture you can see that Joshua was to in to food to be bothered with dishes. When it came to loading the dish washer we had a little more trouble.
He did his best though and that's all I ask of anyone!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Conversations in the van
Wednesday I spend a good amount of time in the van driving. This means I get to be in on some interesting conversations with the little girls. Here is what was said yesterday.
Me: Well Melia birds don't have good manners like people. They just poop anywhere they want.
Melia(4): Yeah mom like Zoe. (this caused a what is does she mean moment for me as Zoe is 5)
Melia: You know cause last time we were there she was holding a baby chick and it pooped in her hand.(Zoe doesn't have bad manners a bird had bad manner on her)
Me: Yeah, chicks poop where ever they want.
Kellina(3): Is that why Zoe is black.
Melia: No Zoe has been that way for a long time.
Me: Zoe has been that way since she was born. God made her that color.
Melia: Hey! Everybody is that way in Zoe's family except her mom.(a big a ha moment for Melia)
I think Melia is understanding a little more that God makes us all unique. She use to think that Zoe was the color she is because she played in the mud to long and didn't take a bath. I love my kids brain when they are trying to figure something out. Here is Zoe and Melia last year.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I am wishing this was me today!
Since it is not I will go forth with the day. School, cleaning, and a nice day at home.
Since it is not I will go forth with the day. School, cleaning, and a nice day at home.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Samantha's first
At 11 the list of firsts isn't as long as her brothers, but this first was pretty neat. She entered her first contest. It was an American Girl Doll contest which required an essay and 5 photos. It was all about nature, so the photos were all outdoor items you picked from a list. I let her use my camera and lens. Then it was out to shoot some nature. It was a fun time together to give some tips and let her do what ever she wanted. I then let her edit the photos to what ever she liked. I don't know a lot about editing yet so it wasn't to hard to be hands off. She then wrote an essay and sent them both in. If she wins she could get an American Girl Doll. Here is a bit of her essay and the photos she took.

Nature is very important. From it comes our food, water, and even the air we breathe. The plants help give us air. There are so many different kinds of plants. I wish I had a laptop like Lanie's so I could look up all the different kinds of flowers and plants.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
One awesome dad!!
This is what I told Jeff he was on Saturday morning. I had worked Friday night and as I came in to the pitch dark house I noticed something was different. As my eyes adjusted to the dark I realized what it was. This is what was in the dinning room.
Jeff has been really wanting to camp, but this is the northwest and it is still cold at night. So while I was at work he moved the table and pitched a tent for the girls. They had a great time. 
Under those piles of blankets are Melia and Samantha. Don't believe me. Here's a better view. 
Kellina chose to sleep upstairs in her room. The girls had the tent full of all the supplies they would need.
The tent stayed up all weekend and the girls got their first weekend of camping in!! A small side note. When I told Jeff he was awesome he told me that he thought I would either be really upset or really happy.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
LOVE it!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Working out!
Jeff has recently started to work out and lose about 30 pounds! Last night his work out was in the living room while the rest of us watched a movie and ate popcorn. When the boys saw daddy they had to join in. (Since I didn't label these photos Caleb is in the monkey pj's.) 
They were so cute trying to pick up the weights. They were grunting and groaning.
After lifting came push ups.
This required more help from dad. After push ups it was on to sit ups. 
They kinda got the idea. And after all this hard work a much needed rest with daddy and some water.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
The odd couple

My mom has a beagle named Bonnie and if you read my blog you know we have a cat named Coal. Normally you would think these two creatures would avoid each other. Not these two the are the best of buddies. When ever my mom comes with Bonnie these two have to play. No one has gotten hurt yet. They both have such a blast. It has caused Jeff to love our cat even more.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Thank you!!
I just wanted to say thank you to all who have given me so much support and prayer. Thank you Ruth for letting me go to your house when being alone seemed to much. Thank you Merriann for letting me hold your precious baby and not even knowing how much it meant to me. Thank you Lord for giving me the strength to go on. Last night I got home after a great day and cried. I hadn't really cried yet since I confirmed I was no longer pregnant. It felt good. My husband and I talked and cried and thought about how blessed we really are. This is going to take more time then I thought to be all the way okay, but I will still lean on the Lord for my strength and understanding.

Friday, March 5, 2010

is the morning sickness that led me to take a pregnancy test. Gone is the positive sign that told me baby number six was on the way. Gained a new love and reassurance in my Lord. I couldn't wait 5 days so I retested today. I had already figured that it would be negative with the amount of bleeding I have been having. I gained so much from this that I wouldn't change it. It reminded me that God is in control of all things. And even if I don't always understand I do trust His choice. It has caused me to be so much closer to my Lord and Savior. He is my comfort in this time and I will be okay because of him. How joyous to think my baby is already with Him in heaven. A place that I long to be. Already experiencing Gods awesome love that I can only imagine. God is good in all that He allows.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
today I am leaning. Not on my own understanding, but on the Lords. If you don't follow me on facebook you may not know that yesterday I started to spot. I was told to just wait it out and in five days retake a test. I would then know if I miscarried or was just spotting with my pregnancy. I rested yesterday in the Lord. I cried as I told Jeff we may not have a baby this November. Then I prayed. A lot. By the end of the day I had peace. I now know that what ever happens is Gods plan and is the perfect plan. As I rested I read this verse and it put things into place for me.
Whom have I in heaven but You? And besides You, I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:25-26.
As the day went on my spotting lightened and I thought maybe things would be okay for the life inside me. This morning I woke and was no longer spotting I was bleeding. If I hadn't of taken a pregnancy test I would have thought it was just my time of the month. I don't know for sure the end to this story yet, but what ever it is I trust the writer with all of it. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010

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