Tuesday, April 27, 2010
How to tell them apart(the boys ofcourse).
Okay so I will start by admitting that today Melia had to correct me about who was who, but for the most part I have a sure fire way to tell them apart. It's all in their looks. This is Joshua..... 

Why he does this look I don't know. But showing off his teeth and squinting up his eyes is his new thing. This is Caleb.... 

Yes I know I picked two, but he is either mister serious or mister smiles. Either way he is pretty darn cute if you ask me. And yes even Joshua with his unique look is cute in my eyes!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Letting go
Why oh why is it so hard to let go? Okay, I know some of you are fine with letting go. My husband is one of those people. I will admit that I am some one who finds it most difficult to let go and it turns out I have passed this on to some of my children. This last week Samantha who use to be as bad as me about letting go informed me she needed to deep clean and get rid of "stuff". Oh the joy that Jeff felt. So that is what we did. Everyday this week for at least two hours we were up stairs purging. We got rid of eight bags of good will and four big bags of garbage. We also moved winter stuff down stairs to totes. I feel I should explain the girls room for you who haven't seen it. The three girls share a room that use to be an attic. When you first go in two closets line a small hallway. It was out of one of these closets we got our first three bags of good will. Then there is the space where the toddlers beds are.
This is the most open part of the room. It also houses Samantha's table and most of the toys.
Then there is a small step up that is the dividing line in the room.
Samantha's bed and special stuff is there. No little girl is allowed past unless she has permission. Okay now the pictures may mean more to you.
As I looked at these pictures I loved the progress made, but still see room for improvement. I think we have a problem with stuffed animals! 
The last big mess in the room is mine. It is the stuff that needs to be moved from upstairs to down stairs. Guess what that means! I need to go through down stairs stuff. I guess there always next week.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
When daddy cooks.
I love when my hubby cooks breakfast in the morning. For one ting it means I don't have to. For another it is usually pretty darn good. The last time he did breakfast he had to take a photo. The plate of food cracked him up. This plate was meant for the boys. Well, the coffee was for daddy.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Kids and chicks
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Helpers part II
The boys have found a new chore they like to help with.

Now if I could just get them to fold and put away!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Youth Fair
This weekend Samantha got to do the youth fair. For five dollars she spent two days doing fun activities with grandma's dog Bonnie. It was a taste of 4-H for her. She really wants to do 4-H with my moms dog so I thought this would be a good intro. They had many different things for kids. Photography, bunnies, chickens, and the one that cracked my mom and I up.... riding lawn mowers. This is Samantha in the stall she decorated with Bonnie. It is a picture of a picture so sorry its not perfect.
These photos I took while Samantha learned about dog obedience. 
Not something Bonnie knows much about. Samantha also made a poster all about Bonnie who loves to eat shoes. It also contained info about beagles that Samantha looked up.
And I know this is about Samantha, but I had to include this picture because it is my favorite kind of dog.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Food driven
Joshua has always been the big boy. He was big in the womb and he is big out of the womb. He can inhale food faster then most grown men. Well, yesterday he proved just how food driven he is. In the great northwest the weather doesn't always allow you to head out doors to plan. In those moments I sure am glad we have McDonald's. Not to eat at, but to play at. Yesterday was one of those days. We met some friends and the kids had a blast playing. Even the boys are old enough to enjoy it. At one point in time I noticed a mom with a teary eyed boy. She was walking my way. "I guess you met your match." Is what she was saying. I said sorry if my boys had been mean. She informed me that Joshua had pushed him down and bit his head. Oh how embarrassed was I. I know he is only 15 months, but I felt bad. Then what do I see but Joshua strutting out of the play equipment holding a cheese burger! No I hadn't bought it. The mom informed me it had come from her son. Really Joshua really!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
"Mama, look at me!" Kellina
"Where are you?" me
"Under the little table" Kellina
"Oh! Do you need help getting out?" me
"No I can do it" Kellina
A few minutes pass.
"Mom, I need help I'm stuck. How did I get in here any way?" Kellina
Stuck but still willing to pose for mom.
"Where are you?" me
"Under the little table" Kellina
"Oh! Do you need help getting out?" me
"No I can do it" Kellina
A few minutes pass.
"Mom, I need help I'm stuck. How did I get in here any way?" Kellina
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