Friday, September 24, 2010
Staying put!!!
That's right we are staying put. Which is fine by me. Now that life seems a little more settled it means school is kicking into full swing. I have to say I am one of the few people who love when school is back. I love the routine and knowing what is coming next. This year prior to school I was sooooo sick. I had a lot of time to think about what I wanted to do this year. I have made the decision that if we get nothing done in a day we will have family bible time. So far we have read Ruth and Esther together. It is how we start every morning. I love it!! Samantha is marching right along in her studies. She has picked up where she left off and is doing great!! Melia is along the road to solid reader and working on her writing skills. Her new love is her pattern blocks.
She will spend forever doing them. Kellina is always asking to practice her letters and practice her reading, but mommy instinct says she is just not ready. We will see though. She also loves the pattern blocks. Although she loses interest and is soon making cakes with them. Did I mention how much I love school!! Trust me this will not be the last you hear of it.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I will go on the record now and say I wanted one. My husband decided that two was better though. Really I didn't argue that much though. They are two very cute kittens.
We got them on Friday from the same family we got our other two cats from. So we know they will too be the best cats around. I mean look at how great one of our cats is.
Not a lot of cats would let you dress them up and then lay around all day.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Our first field trip of the year!!
For our first trip we went some where we go often. The zoo! This time though I made a unit study out of it for the kids. I got a preschool kit from out local library that was zoo themed. Every day we did some book reading, singing, and games related to the zoo. On the day of the trip we had warthog waffles for breakfast, bird seed and monkey muffins for snack, and the big hit snail sandwiches for lunch. We started the zoo trip in the car with zoo print outs for the younger girls to do on the way. When we got there we went into the African village so the boys could stretch after the long car ride. Caleb loved dancing to the music they had coming out of loud speakers.
The girls all climbed into this small hut.
It was the first time I let the boys walk for most of the trip. They loved it!!
Every animal they saw brought squeals of excitement.
Walking did cause one small problem. Caleb I guess hasn't learned to look where he is going. He walked directly into a sign and was knocked flat on his back. It was an instant goose egg that was nice and purple. Today it doesn't look so bad though.
The most loved activity of the day was for sure the feeding of the birds. Last time I didn't get to go in with the kids because the boys were to little. This time we all went in. Because it was a public school day and not very nice weather we had the entire place to our selves!! The birds loved us and we loved them. Well until they got close then the boys screamed. 
The funniest moment for me was when Kellina got so excited for the dinosaur plant she found. Only my girl could find a dinosaur plant at the zoo.
All in all we had an awesome first field trip even though at the end we walked to the car in a torrential down pour. Can't wait for our next outing!!

The funniest moment for me was when Kellina got so excited for the dinosaur plant she found. Only my girl could find a dinosaur plant at the zoo.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Time Keeps on Turning
A major day has come and gone I have not even mentioned it. This amazing girl has turned 4!!!
The big changes are going from car seat to booster seat, making herself heard, and hitting terrible twos a little late. Not that I think any stage is really terrible, but boy has this girl decided its time to push the limits and test the waters. She has decided it is time to learn how to read and write. She suddenly mastered riding a tricycle and she is still sweet as pie.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Back soon
I will be back soon I promise!! I have so much to share and so little time to share it in. We are selling our house(it is pending inspection now). We are trying to buy a new house. We are trying to live and enjoy one another. Soon I will be back!!
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