Monday, March 28, 2011
One knitting injury and one cute hat!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Why do my boys think it is okay to lick people?
I don't know for sure but I am sticking with: It's all dads fault!! He likes to play like they are animals that eat each other.
I know he is crazy, but they all love it. Now if I can get them to not lick the company!!
Maybe they will forgive them because they are so darn cute.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Spring is here!!
That means much less of these.
Much more of this!!

I love spring. It means summer is just around the corner and we will kick off these!!
Oh, please forgive the boys for the girl coats, but we use what we have.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Boots's Banana Pancakes!!
3 ripe bananas
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup quick cooking oats( i used old fashioned and ground them in the food processor first)
2 tablespoons brown sugar
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup flax seed meal(just through some in as I had it on hand)
1 1/2 cups milk
3 eggs lightly beaten
1 1/2 tablespoon canola oil( i used vegetable oil)
Smash banana and combine with all wet ingredients in medium bowl. In large bowl mix all dry ingredients. Combine wet ingredients with dry ingredients. I always start with their recommended amount of milk and then add more if my batter appears to thick. Once cooked my kids like peanut butter and syrup. Topped off with a little sliced banana.
Or if you are like Samantha a tower of sliced banana
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
One Week
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
The Long Story
My loving hubby gave the short story and I thought I would give the long one. March first started off with Samantha's birthday celebration. We had known there was a chance we would be called in to start the induction process during the late morning and wanted Samantha to get her special time. By her request we enjoyed waffles covered in peanut butter, syrup, and powdered sugar. After that is was time for gifts. She had only wanted one movie. Guess what?! She got it. Then she was excited to get ready for a possible baby birth. She had told us she wanted to be there and we agreed that it would be a good idea. Since waiting was near impossible we watched her new movie. Then when Jeff could stand it no more he called to see if we were able to be fit in. The nurse said they were still full and it didn't look good. UGH!!! Off to the mall we went to get our minds off the bummer news. We then planned a birthday lunch for Sam. While we were at the mall though I got the call to come in now because they had a bed!!! We loaded and called babysitters. The excitement was tangible. Jeff dropped me off at the hospital and took the kids home. He then called and asked if he could still take Samantha out. I agreed and checked in at the hospital. Turns out my doctor had been called into a surgery that had turned into an emergency. So all I could do was wait and be monitored. The nurse checked me when I arrived. 2 cm. Same as always. Jeff and Samantha had arrived, but still no doctor. Then my doula arrived, but still no doctor. The nurse came in and out for four hours before the doctor finally arrived. I had been having contractions the entire time. They were now four minutes apart, but just felt the same as all the ones I had been having since forever. The doctor checked me anyways. I was at 4cm!!! So he broke my water and away we went! Normally I get my epidural right away. This time the doctor was off to do a c-section and I wouldn't be able to get one for about 2 hours. The contractions were still fine so no big deal. Then with the support of Jeff, my doula, and the birth photographer I did an amazing thing. I walked the halls to get labor going!!! Okay for some of you this is not a big deal. For me it is amazing. When I couldn't handle it any longer I got my epidural. I had made it all the way to 6 cm with no pain meds!!! Small step for some, huge leap for me. It was a very amazing thing to go through with Jeff. He was my rock and inspiration. He gives all the credit to our doula and birth photographer. He said with out them he was sure I would have given in much sooner. He is probably right, but he was amazing!! I told the nurse I was sure baby would be here by 10:30 or 11:00pm. At 10:45 I was 10cm and ready to push. Now if only my doctor would show up. When he got in at 11:15 pushing began. Isaiah Samuel was born at 11:20.
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