Thursday, April 28, 2011
Backyard Art
What do you get when you mix a pile of these
with a bowl of this.
Three very unique works of art that some day will make yard beautiful. The girls each did theirs in their own way. Melia was done first and her pattern was ever changing as she worked. As a matter of this picture isn't what it looked like in the very end.
Kellina was slow and well planned. Every piece had its place and a story. Notice the fish at the bottom eating eel grass. Gotta love that Pidilla Bay science class!!
Samantha was the artistic child. She went for abstract art.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Resurrection Sunday
Better known to some as Easter. It was a fun day for this family. It was full of sugar
and family.
We got to visit with family we don't see often and my brother tried to do his best at holding the kids back before the big hunt.
It worked for a little while.
They searched high
and low.
In the end Kellina looked like this.
Note the empty bag. My brother came to the rescue and soon she looked like this.
The sun even decided to shine so kids could do bubbles.
That is until Caleb tried to help.
All in all though it was a good day. Just ask Isaiah he'll tell you how fun it was!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Sewing 101
Lesson's we all need to learn. The first I shall share is how to sew.
First, go gather all that you need. No, not the project that made you want to sew. The one that caught your eye in the corner. You know the one. It was suppose to be done for Christmas. Oh well, May is close to Christmas right? Second, have your twelve year old daughter get out her sewing machine and set it all up for you. Be assured by her several times all you have to do is push the pedal. Once it is ready, begin to sew with your infant in your lap. Strange I know, but he is fussy everywhere else. Good thing your project only requires straight lines. Not that I know how to sew anything else. Third, panic when you notice the machine hasn't been making any stitches. Look to your twelve year old with panic in your eyes. She will tell you its no big deal and teach you about a bobbin. When the same thing happens again she will then teach you how to thread the machine. Finally finish your project feeling like you really have learned a lot. And so glad you have a twelve year old who knows what she is doing.
Then it will hit you that just maybe you can get the original project of the day squeezed in. You won't ever finish it though and may even cause dinner to be delayed. Well maybe, or maybe that just happens to me. P.S. If you can sew disregard this lesson and don't judge my not lined up sewing. I am just learning after all.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Down on the Farm
Fresh Breeze Organic farm that is. Yesterday the Doyle's got to see what country living is all about. Really we got to visit a dairy farm. The verdict from mama is.........YUCK!! I love milk and LOVE that other people have to deal with the cows. I am much more a mini backyard farm kinda gal. We arrived yesterday with much excitement.
We were going to see cows!! The boys mooed when they found out where we were going. When we got there..... no cows. The milk production happens away from the cows. No worries though they bribed us with the best chocolate milk ever made.
We then learned how they make their milk and toured the production room. Which meant awesome head gear for all.
It was hypnotic to watch the milk go round and round. This machine added a label to the front and a expiration date to the back. Once you open your milk though it is only good for seven days.
Samantha's big observation was the milk spilled out when coming off the machine. She was worried about how much of it was getting wasted.
After this we went to see the cows!!
And boy were there cows. First we saw the babies.
We were suppose to be quiet and calm. So of course the first thing Caleb did was scream with excitement. Was I glad to leave that room and go see the older calves. No noise requirements here.
The barn was so old the the support was built using tree trunks. It was very cool.
Then we went and saw the BIG cows. Samantha learned half were currently expecting and we are pretty sure we saw a baby moving inside mama cow. Everyone reacted differently to the cows. Some tried to talk with the cows.
Some tried to bribe the cows with flowers.
And still others just wanted to pet them because "that cow loves me mom".
I personally stayed away from the cows. I have a slight cow fear. When all was said and done I give all the credit to Samantha for a smooth field trip.
I was strapped down with a big bundle.
I never could have handled it or got the boots clean in the end with out her!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011
You know you are tired when you fall asleep with shoes on your hands. That or maybe your just a toddler who doesn't care if there are shoes on your hands. Either way you look darn cute.
Then of course your mom notices that you have a gigantic bugger stuck to your head. Instead of removing it like a nice person she swoops in for a close up. Besides now everyone can notice the sweet spit leaking out of your mouth.
Click here to see where sweet Caleb fell asleep last time.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
When the sun comes up we head outside, but it seems this year the lack of sun has had an effect. Poor Joshua seemed to have no idea what to do with his tool.
Melia the seasoned pro with a broom got in the sun and seemed to forget its use.
Poor Caleb just didn't know what to think.
Kellina I think did the best and tagged along with Melia's game. Oh yeah, she also hoarded all the chalk. Sorry no cute picture of her. Eventually they came around. Joshua found dirt to dig in. Melia remembered the true use of a broom
and Caleb was less confused.
Come on mister sun my kids need you!!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
The best dinner ever and the forgotten flowers.
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