Saturday, August 27, 2011
The Final Days...
...of summer that is. Monday this house will be changing gears and starting our school year. So this last week we have been making the most of our final summer days.
My favorite spot for summer fun is Deception Pass.
The lake there is all sand. A nice change from the rocky shores we are use to. We spent the entire day with friends
and family
having fun!
Joshua learned the true joy of sand
and the roughness of getting it off.
Caleb spent most of the day in his giant puddle.
Melia swam
and Kellina tried to make a holding tank for dolphins that the boys kept breaking.
Yes, school is starting, but for us we will go back for many field trips. Maybe then I can get photos of Samantha doing what she loves most, swimming!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Filling shoes
When Samantha was gone I was telling Melia that she needed to fill Samantha's shoes.
She rose to the challenge well. Now that Samantha is back the challenge will be going back to filling her own shoes. As we roll into the school year I am sure that she will fill those well too.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Cheap fun
This last weekend was the Abbotsford Air Show.
We looked into going because our boys love planes.
Turns out that is not so cheap fun. It is however cheap fun to drive as close to the border as you can go, pull off to the side of the road, put down a blanket, some lawn chairs and enjoy the show. 

Think we are crazy? We might be but, we're not alone.
If we do it again next year we will pack food and look up the time of events. I love these family moments together!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Camping with the church family
Every year our church has an all church camp out. This year was beautiful!! It was full of volleyball.

Kids playing all sorts of fun things.

I really enjoy is watching all the kids play all weekend.
And the annual kids Olympics. This year only Melia was in the olympics but,
we all had fun cheering her on.
We are also blessed every year with worship times and sharing around the camp fire as an entire church. This year will be the last year of the Silver Beach camp out. Our church has moved so next time we will be Spring Creek Bible Church. I can't wait!!

Monday, August 8, 2011
Lake Padden
A wonderful place to stomp in the water.
To throw rocks to your hearts desire.
To dip your toes for the very first time.
To teach your dog how to chase ducks.
I mean to teach your dog how to swim.
Oh yes, good old Lake Padden.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Fearful vs. fearless and first times
I often get asked how I tell the boys apart. This post isn't about their physical differences. Its about their unique personalities. My boys may be identical in genes, but in personality they are not. Swinging is the perfect example. Caleb jumps on and wants an under dog. He has always loved swinging.
Joshua on the other hand thinks he wants in the swing. As soon as you push he panics.
He has just started being a little less scared so, there is progress. It is like this in most situations. Caleb will jump in and go for it. Joshua is not so sure and needs a helping hand. Both boys wanted to climb a ladder the other day. Caleb just needed to be shown where it was. Joshua needed my hand on him the entire time and was still not so sure. So now I sit and wonder how will Isaiah be. At this park it was his first time in a swing.
He seemed to do just fine (Joshua didn't like swings even at this young age). In the end Isaiah seemed more interested in licking the swing, so we will see.
Amazing to me how to boys who started out as one are so wonderful in their own special way!!
Monday, August 1, 2011
5 months
My little baby is quickly growing. I know that most of you probably think 5 months is still a baby, but with all his current changes I can already see toddler. This month Isaiah hasn't shrunk. He is currently wearing 18 month clothes!! He has however learned more tricks. Sitting up.
Getting up on his knees.
Rolling both ways. Getting around even though he can't crawl. Before long I will have one mobile baby. He also is becoming one noise maker. He has always been good at sound, but now I think he is starting to compete with his siblings. He is so in love with Kellina it is priceless. She is always the first to try and make him happy and she does a great job. Isaiah has also found out he controls his hands. He loves toys he can grab. Most the time at meals he tries to grab all things headed for someone elses mouth!! And his mouth,well, it is a leaky faucet lately.
He remains a sweet and mellow guy. Not that he doesn't make his needs known. God has blessed us in just the right way.
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