Thursday, April 19, 2012
fight night
When Jeff was young he loved to box. It was a time long ago, a time when he had hair. Yes people he did have hair! Our first date was to a boxing match. Where I actually learned I liked the sport. So it didn't surprise me that he would want his kids to enjoy it too. And when we had boys I new I was in for it. That brings us to Fight Night at the Doyles. First the gear was dawned.
Then the practice with dad.
Then the big match! No worries there were no injuries. Just two cute boys going at it.
And with boxers this cute who could resist!
Monday, April 16, 2012
My sin nature
We all have it. We were all born with it. Our sin nature. My sin nature I had been ignoring for a life time. It isn't one that people may think of as "one of the bad ones", but in God's eyes it is. It is gluttony. I have been able to lie to myself for a long time about the fact that I have a problem with food. It had become my god. I had given it Christ's throne!! Truly people I am not exaggerating. If I was happy I would eat, sad, mad, content, or stressed. They all were reasons to run to my cupboards. At a meal I wouldn't stop when I was full, especially if it tasted good. I would put away as much as if not more than Jeff. Jeff's sister put a challenge out there in March to all try to lose weight. We all weighed in and then started to get fit. On the first day of spring everyone weighed in again and all pounds lost went in the form of money to the local food bank. I amazed myself and lost 13 pounds. Not only that, but God had shown me my sinful relationship with food. He also opened my eyes in new ways to scripture. Every morning I do my treadmill and listen to a sermon. It is a great time. Because of all of this I have kept going with my new health goals. I have also put God back on the throne he deserves. I did a 15 day detox from Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead(watch it people!). It was great! I now juice every day. My taste buds have changed and I no longer crave sugar. I am working on redoing some of the treats around the house to be healthy. We just did cookies yesterday with whole wheat flour, flax, and about half the sugar(only brown). Guess what they were great and the kids loved them. So now I will let you know my weight loss. I want to boast about how great I did, but really I couldn't have done any of it with out my Savoir holding my hand and still showing me my sin. The grand total so far is 24 pounds! I started out at 5ft 2, 168 pounds.
I now am 5 ft 2 and 144 pounds.
I have no goal in mind. I am happy to stay here, but I won't go back!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Self Feeding
All babies come to an age where they are no longer satisfied with mom's hand guiding food into their mouth. They want to grab, hold and touch. They just know that they can do it just like mama. I will admit that this stage has always seemed to come much to soon for me. Not because it is one more step out of baby hood, but because it is so darn messy!!
Yep, now you know I don't like the stains or wiping down of a little one. Recently though this thought has changed. I have a friend who's son has major problems with eating. Not that he is stubborn or bad. He was born with a double aortic arch. He physically has pain when he eats, he chokes on food, he can't breathe while he eats food, food and him just don't mix. How silly I feel to be complaining that my perfectly healthy, hearty boy is messy after a meal. The Lord sure uses a lot of things to open our eyes to ourselves. I now enjoy watching my boy eat his food with such enthusiasm he usually looks like this.
To read more about my friends son and what he has check out her blog(where she just happened to be blogging about Apollo's eating) here.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Saturday, April 7, 2012
big bang
My two girls are learning to really love the big bang that comes along with the firing of a gun.
We often spend many a Saturday afternoon somewhere in the wilderness shooting together.
I just learned that Melia is quiet the marksmen.
Her mother is not! But I am working on that with my new 9mm G19! Kellina I think just likes the ear protection and feel of holding a gun(a bee bee gun that is).
Either way both girls really enjoy the time spent doing this. It could be because their daddy loves it so much and when they go it is always with him, but whatever the reason I am glad my girls are learning gun safety.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
something other than babies(sort of)
I have decided that maybe some people out there may want to see a post that isn't about my friends and their cute babies. Maybe some of you wanted an update on what is going on in the Doyle house. So here it is, an update. One thing that has happened is we have added four new members to our family. They started out cute on fluffy and yesterday Kellina told me she didn't want to hold one because they were ugly. What are they? They are chickens!
We have two Rhode Island Reds, Penny and Loafer. We have two Plymoth Bard Rocks, Rocky and Road.
All four named by Jeff. The girls swear you could tell them apart. Although I am guessing as they age that will change. This was the day we brought them home.
They started out in a small tub inside. Soon that grew to a very large tub and due to stink was moved to the garage. I am already dreaming about home grown eggs!!
P.S. We already have one laying hen(Pepper). The other two were eaten. So we do get one egg almost daily, but with eight of us one egg doesn't go far. Thank goodness with friends who have an over flow of home grown eggs!
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