If you know anything about me you know I love feet. Not in a creepy fetish sort of way, but in a aren't those feet adorable kind of way. I recently took these photos of the boys and I love them. Baby feet and thighs. The two cutest things around!
My friends son Noah(10) "You know mom when I was at school. You know the place I go to learn."(not a home school family)
Kellina(3)"Last night when I was a big boy I use to drink coffee and drive that there truck."(pointing to Jeff's truck)
Kellina(3) singing"Our dog is an awsome dog. He reigns."(If you don't know this song its real name is Our God is an awsome God)
Samantha(10) "Melia lets see if you can listen and learn one new thing in class tonight." Melia "Don't worry my ears are big and growing. I'll learn something." Samantha was trying to encourage Melia about Sunday school.
Melia(4) "Mom class was so boring. I had to sit." "Melia I'm sure you did something fun like color." "Yeah but I had to sit still!"
Your BOYS are two of the cutest things around!! So cute! I love the feet too!