I'll start with Christmas stuff since it's almost upon us. Here is what my family would look like if we were all snowmen. Pretty cute huh?

Jeff's grandpa made these for us and as the family grows the number of snowmen grows right along with us! Next up, decor. We almost didn't do any because of mobile twins and curious kittens.

I did say almost. I couldn't resist and the girls and I went to work. The kittens did kill a few balls from the tree so they all had to come down, but it has been pretty smooth since then. The angel is from when I was a little girl. It's my favorite! We also have our stockings hung with care.

My grandma makes these. They are very cute and the best part is Melia's name is spelled wrong. It makes me smile every time. By the way Samantha's is the bear. She loves it and won't give it up. She told me so this year.
I recently had a tea party with my girls.

This was fun! We don't really drink tea though so we had hot apple cider. We also don't have any tea cups so we had to use coffee mugs.

The girls really liked it though. Can't you tell by this photo.

Kellina has hit a major milestone in our house. She can cook dinner. With some help from mom she made Salisbury meatballs, mashed potatoes, and stuffing. She was so happy at dinner when everyone thanked her.

And my final thought after such a long post is this. Don't you wish that the instructions for life were this simple.

I love everything about this post.
FYI: Yes we got the house, and yes I will post pictures. The security shift is that Ian and I were home over Christmas and ran into people we hadn't seen in years. And...they all knew everything about us. We are from a small town and they had linked to our blog through mutual friends. These people are not our friends. I have no problem with most people peeking in our family, but I decided I want to limit it a bit. Hence the invitation to leave your email. If you don't mind me knowing you are spying on us---then spy away :):) Plus I wanted to put lots of details about our new home on, and again...don't need EVERYONE from Brookville knowing where our house is :)