It has happened the boys have left being toddlers and moved into being preschoolers!! I thought to celebrate I would list some of the things that I love most right now.

This hat is on your head at all times! It is your woody hat and you even sleep with it. When you play with your sisters you some how always end up being the puppy. You don't seem to mind. You get very into your roll and even lick people. You are very curious. Some may say naughty. If I can't hear you and can't see you I know you are into something. Usually it is a marker that you have used to color your entire body. Recently you managed to swallow a penny in a curios moment. You have started talking a lot more lately. We have to watch out though when you say truck. You call your tummy your bummy. That means I often hear "Mom, my bummy hurts." You still walk on your tip toes. You like to suck on your shirts around the collar, but hate when they get wet. You are sweet and sensitive. You call your sisters "my princess" when looking for them. We often call you the drama king because of how you react to things. I can't wait to see how you grow this next year.

You are my very verbal boy. You like to talk. When ever you pray, you always pray that dad will come home. I don't know why you think he won't, but it sweet you care. You started the calling your sister princess. I love it!! When some one asks you your name you say Joshewha. I love to hear it so much I ask you your name a lot! You are in a phase right now of wearing these dino jammies all the time. You put them on with Melia's boots, my belt, and your army hat. Then you call yourself Puss in Boots and march around with your hands on your hips. Every time we eat dinner you ask if dad shot our food. You even ask if he shot our pickles. You want to be a big boy so you can have a gun and shoot a deer. Currently you are learning to stop pretending to shot people with your guns. You love to use dads holster for your pop gun, especially when it is attached to my belt. You love to listen to books and cuddle on laps. You are quick to tears if you think it will help you to get what you want. You can be stubborn and try to argue your point. I think this year is going to be a ton of fun.
It is so funny for me to look at these BOYS and picture them in your house. Last time I was there, it was the Princess' palace. Not a boy to be found. Now that it is all evened up and there is all this talk of guns and Woody....it just seems so UNLIKE the Doyle house I last visited. All 3 of them are so handsome and seem just sweet as can be. I hope to meet them someday!