Caleb. He is the older of my twins. By about 20 minutes. He is the mover of the bunch and always has been. In the womb he was smaller and feisty. In very early ultrasounds he was jumping and kicking. That's how he got the name Caleb. Well that and Kellina was suppose to be Caleb Steven, but came out a girl
so. He has been walking since 10 and 1/2 months. Now his main speed is running. He also learned how to go in reverse a while ago and that was all he would do. Once he realized he wasn't going to forget it he learned how to stomp his feet. BIG stomps. Sometimes when he wants thing and some times in the middle of running around. He has 4 teeth 2 on top and 2 on bottom. The top 2 came in in opposite order of his brother. If I need to tell him apart and can't? I look at his palm. He only has one line across his right hand. This a common marker in down syndrome, but no he doesn't have downs. He also has the 2 cutest dimples above his behind. He doen't like to sleep. He is the quite one. Keeping his words to himself unless truly needed. He is already a picky eater and loves to touch his food. If you put it in he will spit it out just so he can touch it and re put it in. To give you a kiss he clucks his tongue. He loves to dance. When a beat comes on that he likes he starts to shake it. This includes the little girls singing. He is a good hugger. He is curious and in to every thing. He wants to figure it out. He isn't to posesive either. If you want his toy just take it. He doesn't' mind. Unless its something he is in the middle of working on. Like trying to get in to box or figuring out what sound something makes. He is not a big cuddler. He is just on the go to much for that. The last thing you should know is he is a screamer. He screams in delight. He screams in anger. He screams in pain. He screams when sad. He screams when he wants you. He just loves to scream.

This concludes the twins and their daily living. Here is a photo of them together doing something they use to hate, but now love!
Awww...and now I know Caleb. Such precious observations, and they will probably change so much in the years to come. I love these posts. Can't wait to read about Kellina tomorrow. Nice you have 5 kids...Monday-Friday is covered. Is Sat and Sun going to be about you and Jeff??? How fun!