Kellina. SWEET Kellina. That would be the word I would use to describe her. If you need a hug or good cuddle this is the kid to go to. She does have her screaming, throw a fit, cry till I can't cry anymore side, but usually this is reserved for when she is tired. She is the imaginative kid in my bunch. A lot of times I will wonder where she is and find her playing nicely in the corner by herself and what ever friends she has made up. If you follow my blog at all you know she is a goof. She is funny in her words and her actions. Never one to be left behind some of her funniest moments come when trying to do what her older sisters are doing. She plays nicely with others most the time, but if you rub her the wrong way she will lash out. She has been known to get in trouble for hitting, kicking, and other wise beating her sisters. She loves to sleep. She is usually the last little girl down the stairs in the morning. If she is really tired she will ask to take a nap. She only will sleep upstairs in her bed and isn't afraid of being alone. She is a thumb sucker. It started at 14 months when nursing stopped and her teeth all decided to come in at once. She loves to bring her softy(blanket) and stuffties(stuffed animals) down every morning. She has to feed them breakfast. When in the womb she never let us know what she was and was breech until 36 weeks. We had to do an external rotation which went well. She was my biggest baby at 8 lbs 12 oz. She isn't the most out going and had to leave soccer in tears because she lost track of her big sister. She can get overwhelmed with new people and new situation. She is so laid back though that not much gets to her. She loves to watch movies and quickly learns all the words and walks around quoting them all day. She is very musical. When she was younger and starting to get grumpy I would set her up at the piano and she would play her bad mood away. She already has rhythm. Besides piano she likes harmonica, dad's guitar, her ukulele, and any rhythm instrument. And her side note is that after having her I thought I was done with babies. I guess the Lord didn't agree:)

She sounds awesome.
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine you with just 3 :) I picture 7!!