Samantha. Well this is it my oldest child. I happen to be posting about her on the day we are going to celebrate her 11th birthday. I can't believe she is already 11. It seems like just yesterday she was a little newborn who wouldn't let mommy put her down. She slept on my chest for the first 3 weeks of life. She has always been a joy. Easy going and easy to handle. Just a wrong look from mom and she would know what ever she was doing better stop. She is thoughtful and encouraging. She is
very sensitive and her mood will be directly effected by those around her. She is a pleaser which is good most the time, but we are teaching her to stand up for what she believes. She is a confessing believer in Jesus Christ and it is amazing to watch her grow in that area. She is so very helpful through out the day. She loves to cook and bake. Her favorite toy is her American Girl doll that goes every where with us. She is a lover of books. She is currently reading about Greek mythology and working through Robin Hood. She has already read several books that I have not. The Hobbit is the latest example. She is my first home schooled child. She loves to ride her bike any chance she gets. She is a dancer and currently takes Lyrical Worship. She will explain that is ballet and jazz mixed. She is allergic to cats, but loves them so much. Samantha plays violin and wants to start on piano. She is great with small children. I would say that she use to be shy. This is changing day by day and now she is more cautious then shy. She will evaluate a situation before jumping in. She is working on going outside her comfort zone and trying new things. She is currently trying to grow her hair down to her bottom. She is growing so fast and I can't wait to see the end results.

Sam is just special. I love her and think she is so different from so many girls her age. You both have much to be proud of with this little chica. One in a million. You're awesome Sam--never change! xoxo