Thursday, August 23, 2012

Another day at the zoo.......

sorta.  Being zoo members means we go often.
It is becoming routine, but in a good way.
This time we mixed it up a bit though.  We brought Dad.
Normally it is me and the kiddos.  Or me, the kiddos, and some other family I have roped into coming.  Nothing like bonding with daddy during play time at the zoo.
Also I finally caved and let the kiddos make elephant poo paper.  They had fun, weren't to grossed out, and it was free.

They got to learn about how the 3 elephants at the zoo produce about 900 pounds of poo per day!!  So by making paper they were helping the zoo.  The final product.
 I really do love the zoo!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Camp out

Every year we enjoy our church camp out.  Okay, well that's not totally true.  Every year we try our best to enjoy it, but we have been foiled by rain and sickness.  Not this year though!!  It was so much fun.  It had everything.  Bike riding.
Huckleberry picking.
Vollyball playing.
Church camp fires with singing and sharing.
Popsicle eating.
Dirty faces.
Memory making.

And a first as far as I know..... A bunny.
 And the funniest part.  The kids olympics.
Wish I had more photos of this, but I had injured myself and was at camp with an ice pack to the head.