Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Best and Worst Wednesday

The best part of potty training the twins? I will soon be down to only one in diapers.
The worst part? Even with all the prep mentally, I never could have guessed how far boys pee will travel when not properly aimed!The best part of Samantha's new puppy? It is small, sweet, and every one loves him.
The worst part? Now we are trying to potty train a puppy also.The best part of school starting up again? Kellina told me she wants to do school every day and not miss it for anything.
The worst part? After one day Kellina already asked for a PJ and movie day.(good thing we home shcool and PJ day is just fine. Not so much on the movie part)
For more best and worst visit here. Sorry Renee I don't know how to grab something.


  1. Best part of following your blog, getting to see your beautiful kids grow up. Worst part, realizing just how much I am missing your friendship.

  2. WherEVER did you get such an aDORable puppy? He is soooOOooo cute. Is he missing his litter or too busy to think about them? {{hugs}} to you all.
