Thursday, August 23, 2012

Another day at the zoo.......

sorta.  Being zoo members means we go often.
It is becoming routine, but in a good way.
This time we mixed it up a bit though.  We brought Dad.
Normally it is me and the kiddos.  Or me, the kiddos, and some other family I have roped into coming.  Nothing like bonding with daddy during play time at the zoo.
Also I finally caved and let the kiddos make elephant poo paper.  They had fun, weren't to grossed out, and it was free.

They got to learn about how the 3 elephants at the zoo produce about 900 pounds of poo per day!!  So by making paper they were helping the zoo.  The final product.
 I really do love the zoo!!


  1. You do such a good job photo documenting your family's adventures!

  2. Thank you. I try my best. I have noticed that your photos are looking mighty nice these days. I may need to take some lessons from you :)
