Friday, December 7, 2012

Because I thought you should know......

...just how good a guy my hubby is.  Our anniversary started with a trip for coffee and ended on beautiful Lummi Island, but it is all the in between stuff I plan to share.  We started off with a trip through a coffee stand. While waiting for our coffee one of the workers snuck around behind our car and came to my window. He presented me with a bouquet of white daisies. He said they represented the first three years of my marriage. Instead of a card they held movie tickets. I had expected to spend the day Christmas shopping so I was happy.  We ran around till our movie and then enjoyed a nearly empty theater and to much popcorn for our own good.  As we headed out the manager of the theater stopped me with a purple bouquet of daisies. He said they represented the next three years of our marriage. As we left a worker offered to take our picture. We stepped out and I looked up to see instead of the name of movies a message from my hubby. It said Happy 9th anniversary Ruth, love Jeff. I was blown away! We killed time and then headed to Lummi.  For those of you who don't know that is where we got married. My dad lives out there and let us stay in his studio apartment.  W had a yummy dinner where Jeff gave me a poem he wrote. Jeff then took me to where we were married. He popped the hatch of his car and played our wedding song. We danced in the parking lot under a full moon! Movie worthy! He then presented me with my final bouquet of yellow daisies. Yep, it was one amazing day!  And now I hope all of you can see what an amazing man my hubby is.  And if I was really cool I would some how put Jeff's mini movie of the day here, but I am not......