Friday, November 1, 2013

Costume Party Time!

So, every year my family does something different for Halloween.  We can't seem to commit to what we like best.  Well, that's not true.  What we like best is dressing up in all sorts of costumes and getting a lot of candy!  This year my mom went all out with more of a party then normal.  She felt inspired by a craft book she got a while back.  She had themed food.
She had grand-kids in costume.
And a daughter who even dressed up this year. 
It was really a lot of fun. We noticed that this year mom and I were a stark contrast.  The evil witch from Mirror Mirror and a Fairy Queen(or Tinkerbell depending on who you asked).  We decided a cute picture to demonstrate was needed and thank goodness we had Ursula the evil sea with to round things out. 
Yeah my sister-in-law really had an amazing costume because her sweet baby got to be Arial! 
Caleb really wanted all of us to by from movies and by the end of the night even if it wasn't intended we were all movie characters!  This year poor Melia spent her night on the sofa dealing with Strep throat, but no worries she said she had a good time with dad.  And please forgive my photos, they were all on my ipad because my camera was forgotten.....

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