Monday, April 13, 2009

Crazy Lady

What does a family of five with baby twins need? Well the obvious answer is a bigger house. The crazy lady answer is a puppy. I may have lost my mind, but I have puppy fever like never before. I've always wanted a small dog and our babysitter breeds Rat Terriers. They are so cute and just what I've always wanted. See I told you I was crazy. My poor husband is stuck listening to me whine a lot. He finally agreed to go and look at the puppies. Yes that is my behind in the air trying to get a puppy to come out and visit. As of right now there is no new dog in my house, but it is my birthday in May.

Samantha is holding the puppy that the girls and I like. I'm holding the puppy Jeff likes and Kellina is playing with one of the grown up dogs.

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