Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Isaiah the toddler

It is true Isaiah is hitting the toddler stage. It seems to be happening faster every day. It all started with the walking. He is getting so good at it that when he does it I am no longer shocked. Now he has decided to master talking. Nothing major yet, but he has gotten mama and dada down. Not just saying them, but knowing what they mean. He also has started to wave at people. I have decided to take advantage of this and teach him the sign for all done. He shakes his head no currently when he doesn't want any more. And the final thing that has pushed him even farther is his new hair cut. Daddy took him in the bathroom last night and came out with a buzzed boy. I don't have any photos yet, but here are the ones that prompted the cut. So, it is true the Doyle's are almost babyless.

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