Wednesday, May 23, 2012

31 and 31.... no?

This has been written on my calendar for several weeks now.  To most it makes no sense, but to me it makes perfect sense.  It is my latest fitness goal.  To be able to say that on my 31st birthday I have lost 31 pounds.  Today is my 31st birthday and while I can't say I have lost 31 pounds I can say I have lost 30!!  More important I am the healthiest I have ever been.  Another goal was to be able to jog all of Lake Padden(2.6 miles for you who don't know).  This too I can't make claim to be able to do, but I am so close.  And more important I enjoy jogging now!!  I also have come to a new belief.  I no longer care if I lose any more weight(though I will continue to check for my curious mind), I now care that I continue this healthy lifestyle.  Yesterday, while I was out with the girls I checked my BP and pulse on one of those automatic cuffs in the pharmacy.  My BP was 125/60 and my pulse was 58.  Now some of you may not think anything of that, but before any of this journey started my resting pulse was 106.  That is very high in case you don't know.  So I can already see and feel the benefits of this new lifestyle.  Also I have said it before and I will say it again none of this could have been done under my own power.  God has been amazing through this entire journey so far!


  1. YAY RUTH!!!! Happy Birthday!! While you DO look amazing, I am sure it is the energenic Mom that the kids are really loving, and what is really important! Super proud of you!!!

  2. Good work, girl!!!!!! I almost fell out of my chair, cause I read 26 miles, not 2.6! (lol) You look great and look like you feel great- It is written all over your countenance! God is so good- how much sweeter the journey is when He is in the center of it! <3 So PROUD of you!
