Monday, January 7, 2013

Pushing Through

This morning as I did my 40 minute work out on the treadmill I felt awful.  I only had 15 minutes left, but I felt like I might vomit.  I complained out loud and Kellina told me I should just get off.  I thought about it.  Then I decided to just push through.  I figured the feeling would pass and I would be glad I made the choice to stick with it in the end.  Guess what?  That is just what happened!! 
Lately I have been struggling in "life".  School has become something I have slacked on.  I have been just pushing through.  Then this weekend I had a planning day at Starbucks with a friend.  It was just what I needed to regain something other than just pushing through.  I regained the enjoyment that it brings me and the excitement to teach!
December has been a hard month for me.  Everything felt like a chore.  I was just pushing through the days.  Now with a new year here, a polar bear plunge done, and some new perspective I feel like I am doing so much more than just pushing.  All my pushing through is starting to pay off.  All the urges to give up and vomit have turned into a feeling of well done, you finished. 
Our heart is a tricky and fickle thing.  Sometimes just pushing through something is all we have in us to do.  Most times in the end we are so glad we did. 

1 comment:

  1. Way to go for pushing through girl! SO many times over the years I have been discouraged in homeschooling. God always seems to send the right amount of encouragement, from the right person at just the right time to keep me sustained through that rough patch. Excell still more my friend, you are doing great!
