Thursday, April 25, 2013

Why blogging?

Why do I blog?  If I sit and think about that question there are probably many answers.  But there was one reason I started blogging.  Her name is Amy.  We became friends through work.  And through her husbands work she moved away.  Good for her, she is close to family now.  Sad for me.  And then it happened I got prego with twins.  She was the first person I called after I found out(besides Jeff).  That's when she mention I should blog.  She did it.  We could go and check up on each others growing little families.  Her's turned out smaller then mine.  So that is why I blog.  So people far and wide can be up to date on the silly everyday things that happen here.  And the other day Caleb provided one of those silly day to day things. 
He was very sweetly playing with his Smarties.  Yes, the candy.  He was making circles.  Counting them.  Building with them.  Everything, but eat them.  That's when I asked if he wanted to be an engineer when he grows up.  He looked up at me and said,"Mom what's a ninja ear?"  That's when both me and my step-dad lost it.  And that is when I had the moment.  The moment in my head where I think, now that's a blog-able

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