Friday, April 9, 2010

Food driven

Joshua has always been the big boy. He was big in the womb and he is big out of the womb. He can inhale food faster then most grown men. Well, yesterday he proved just how food driven he is. In the great northwest the weather doesn't always allow you to head out doors to plan. In those moments I sure am glad we have McDonald's. Not to eat at, but to play at. Yesterday was one of those days. We met some friends and the kids had a blast playing. Even the boys are old enough to enjoy it. At one point in time I noticed a mom with a teary eyed boy. She was walking my way. "I guess you met your match." Is what she was saying. I said sorry if my boys had been mean. She informed me that Joshua had pushed him down and bit his head. Oh how embarrassed was I. I know he is only 15 months, but I felt bad. Then what do I see but Joshua strutting out of the play equipment holding a cheese burger! No I hadn't bought it. The mom informed me it had come from her son. Really Joshua really!


  1. Food driven?!?!

    Send him to me. He'd fit right in.

    It is a problem at my house. No joke. OBSESSED with food and what they can eat next. I answer the "what can i have to eat" question 100000000000 times a day.

  2. I personally loved the "two fisted fry frenzy"!!
