Monday, April 12, 2010

Youth Fair

This weekend Samantha got to do the youth fair. For five dollars she spent two days doing fun activities with grandma's dog Bonnie. It was a taste of 4-H for her. She really wants to do 4-H with my moms dog so I thought this would be a good intro. They had many different things for kids. Photography, bunnies, chickens, and the one that cracked my mom and I up.... riding lawn mowers. This is Samantha in the stall she decorated with Bonnie. It is a picture of a picture so sorry its not perfect. These photos I took while Samantha learned about dog obedience. Not something Bonnie knows much about. Samantha also made a poster all about Bonnie who loves to eat shoes. It also contained info about beagles that Samantha looked up. And I know this is about Samantha, but I had to include this picture because it is my favorite kind of dog.


  1. 16 hours over two days at the same fair grounds and we never saw each other? Nuts. She looks like she had fun! Way to go Samantha, nice poster. ;)

  2. I did 4-H!! I loved the projects and we showed horses for the 3-4 years. It was a good program. Kids learn a lot. Samantha is so pretty. She's probably as tall as me now, right?? :)
