Monday, May 17, 2010

Many Firsts

At almost 29 there aren't many times I can claim a first around here. Sure if I wanted to I could go and jump out of a plane, but I'm not that kind of girl. But today I can claim this last week I did something for the first time. I washed my dishes in the bathroom sink. Yep, pretty exciting I know. Our kitchen sink is on the fritz and the so the bathroom sink it is. Of course this would be the time we decided to invite over for the first time our friends with ten kids. Hey look at that another first. I also have started the process of putting in a garden. Veggies only. The planting will happen today as long as the weather holds out. This will be my first garden that I have ever done in my yard. Samantha recently had a first also. She mowed the lawn for the first time. She was so happy to do it and thanked me several times for teaching her how its done. Joshua's big first was one that as an adult he may not thank me for recording. It was his first time getting dressed up in big sisters clothes. Thank you Melia! Caleb won't be left behind his first was riding Thunder. Thunder was a horse bought for Samantha that she never got really into. It scared her as a small child and she quickly out grew it. Now its Caleb's turn to take the reins. Oh yeah, Kellina get stung be a bee. No pictures of that, but I thought it worth mentioning. I hope you have a wonderful week full of firsts!


  1. Ruth, I loved that peek into your home! :) How fun you are trying a garden this year...hope it goes well! :)

  2. OH my heck! Caleb looks like Aunt Cheryl in the pic on top right! Garden, homeshcool, cleaning dishes in bathroom.. when do you have time for whiskey and cake? :)

  3. I'm quite impressed your washed that pan in the bathroom sink. Never done that before either. We've got a few things planted in our garden, but I think the squirels and birds will get it all before we do :*(

  4. Love the first line - " At almost 29 there aren't many times I can claim a first around here." Girl, you're still so young!!!! There will be many, many more firsts for you and your family!

  5. Trust me sweetie when you're my age you'll understand, and I can guarantee you'll miss being 28 ;)
