Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mr. Thoughtful

That is my husband. He is very thoughtful and sweet. He will bring me treats and gifts for no reason at all. So when he told me on the phone he was getting me something from Goodwill I believed him. What did he pick up for me. Well it was in my last post. It was the big brown chair Samantha was curled up in. Okay, he did admit to buying it for himself. The other gift he brought home. Yep, a pink guitar(I don't play guitar). This has been a great gift though. It has caused many hours of spontaneous jam sessions for the girls. They bust out the guitars and their vocal cords and away they go. Small side note. He also bought Samantha her first pair of heels.


  1. I love reading your blog! I don't comment much cuz I'm usually hurrying a bit thinking that I really should be doing something else than be on the computer, sipping my fake coffee and enjoying other people's blogs. But I know that voice is lying and that's it's perfectly fine to enjoy these moments, the laundry will still be there in 15 minutes, so I keep coming back. Thank you for posting!

  2. I love that they are all learning guitar. That is such a special gift from Daddy (the guitar talent..and the actual guitar). You have yourself such a good man--but I think you already know that!
