Sunday, March 6, 2011


The last time we had a baby in the house Kellina was two and really there were two babies. My point is Kellina didn't really care much for or about the babies. This time being four and loving dollies she is really into her brother. I mean a doll that moves and makes sounds. SO FUN!! That is if he is happy while in her care. The moment he squeaks she tells me he needs his milk and hands him over. The other night she got to hold a happy awake baby for a long time. She was so in to every detail of him. She pointed out how tiny every part of him is. Which was very obvious when daddy came over. It was a sweet time of bonding for the two!


  1. Awww....sweet Kellina. I can't get over how big the twins look...and how soon Isaiah will catch up. Enjoy.

  2. You have such a beautiful family!! I love these pictures!!
