Monday, July 9, 2012

Boys will be Boys

I have often said that boys are yucky.  I thought I should go on the record to say I now know that they are much more than just yucky.  The other morning I was trying to get my quiet time in after my boys had woken up.  For those of you who don't know my boys are not quiet!  Luckily for me they are very creative.  On our deck we store water bottles for our water dispenser.  It turns out if you give a boy(or boys) a water jug he can do many things.  First he can sit on them.
He can kick them.
He can roll them all over.
One of the funnest things that mom had to stop was rolling them down the stairs.
He can lay on them while they roll.
And the thing I enjoyed most was lining them up, using them as drums, and singing a tune. 
Yep my boys are much more than just plain old yucky.  See all the fun stuff they came up with!  These photos were taken after I finished my semi-quiet time.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, boys always seem to have more energy than they know what to do with!! You should try setting up a sprinkler or go to the pool one day. I guarantee it will keep them busy all day!!
