Saturday, January 18, 2014

Morning fog

Here in the Great Northwest we have been having some fog.  And sometimes the fog can feel all consuming and kind of a drag.  Not this fog though.  I don't know if the fog is really any different or just my state of mind, but either way I have been enjoying the fog!  I decided to take a couple pictures at my friends house to try and remember my happy fog.  I was going to head out this morning to capture some more of the morning fog, but Caleb woke up with a fever.  Taking care of him is much more important then my fog.  That can wait for another day.  Another blog.  For now I will post these.
And as we drove home the fog was lifting and I couldn't resist a shot of the sky.

1 comment:

  1. Those are some great shots! And I would love to see photos on instagram too. What is your username there?
