Wednesday, June 24, 2009

You can't crush me

This is the full name of our dog. Just ask Melia she'll tell you how we call him Crush, but his full name is You Can't Crush Me. I've been bugging Jeff for a dog for a little while now. We looked at some puppies, but that didn't work out. I had given up the search when Crush came into our lives. A girl from church breeds miniature schnauzers and had one that needed a good home after coming back from a not so good home. He was perfect in my eyes and Jeff agreed to a trail run. The girls love for the dog is I think what won Jeff over in the end. He is the perfect fit for this family. He is fixed, house broken and not a puppy. In case your wondering he looks more like a mutt then the perfect miniature schnauzer. Like I said he's a good fit for this family.

1 comment:

  1. I love the last two lines.

    Who wants perfect anyway! Crush is a great looking dog! So glad you were able to make a dog work.
