Thursday, December 30, 2010


I have finished one of my Christmas scarf projects.
The first finished one belongs to Samantha. Note: fatter yarn, bigger needles, and an easier pattern lead to a faster job. Also finished is blue hair dye. Samantha has wanted blue hair for years and now she has it. It is very subtle, but perfect for her. Being the nice sister she is Melia also has blue hair. Her hair is not so subtle. Also perfect for her! Kellina also got the new blue style. She LOVES it! She thinks she looks handsome. I told her I thought she looked beautiful. You all can decide for yourself.


  1. love the scarf! Love the blue hair! You are a FUN mom!

  2. Nice job on the scarf! Fat needles are the way to go...I only knit with 15 or bigger! :)
