Monday, April 4, 2011

A renewed love

For my crock pot that is. I have always loved it, but now I really love it. It has started cooking breakfast for me!! My first attempt was not what I thought it was going to be. My second attempt was yummy. It is a hash brown casserole. I had one similar at a womens' retreat and was glad to find this recipe. Jeff said it was alright, but he much preferred a fresh made breakfast. We both agree though that being able to have a hot breakfast ready as people wake up is a great thing. The boys usually rise first(as far as kids go) and are ready to eat! Being able to put good food out quickly is a very good thing. The girls all come in waves and now they can be dished up something hot and ready to go. I found the recipes at my new favorite blog Thanks to a link on a friends blog. My next breakfast will be french toast from the crock pot. As for today breakfast will be from the crock pot and so will dinner. I love my crock pot!


  1. I love that blog! I always want to use my crock pot more, but always fail to plan for it. =( Haven't ever tried it for breakfast, that sounds like a great idea!

  2. You are a genious. What better idea is there for a Sunday morning? I have never even considered breakfast in the crock pot. Can you post a link to the recipe we see in the pot?
