Friday, November 4, 2011

Apple pick'n

Yesterday we had the fun of helping our friends with their apple pick'n. I didn't want or need apples so they all went to friend(except the five we bought to eat). What I wanted to photo time. I had seen photos from a friend of mine in an apple orchard and was inspired. I had such a good time capturing the day. Not all my photos were award winning(ok, none are award winning), but they do a great job of showing off the day. Sorry if you are on photo overload, but I had a lot of favorites! By the time we left my Joshua was done!! He was cold and not wanting to take another step! The apple orchard is for sure a place I will go back to for pictures and apples.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE orchard shots!! Can't wait to get my family picture taken in one, one day! :)
