Tuesday, April 3, 2012

something other than babies(sort of)

I have decided that maybe some people out there may want to see a post that isn't about my friends and their cute babies. Maybe some of you wanted an update on what is going on in the Doyle house. So here it is, an update. One thing that has happened is we have added four new members to our family. They started out cute on fluffy and yesterday Kellina told me she didn't want to hold one because they were ugly. What are they? They are chickens! We have two Rhode Island Reds, Penny and Loafer. We have two Plymoth Bard Rocks, Rocky and Road. All four named by Jeff. The girls swear you could tell them apart. Although I am guessing as they age that will change. This was the day we brought them home. They started out in a small tub inside. Soon that grew to a very large tub and due to stink was moved to the garage. I am already dreaming about home grown eggs!! P.S. We already have one laying hen(Pepper). The other two were eaten. So we do get one egg almost daily, but with eight of us one egg doesn't go far. Thank goodness with friends who have an over flow of home grown eggs!


  1. Ian wants to do this. I will need the scoop on the work involved

    1. It is totally doable and worth it every time the kids go down and get the eggs!! The biggest investment money wise is getting started. We saved money by building the coop with items we already had. I love the eggs we get. If you haven't had the real thing you are missing out!!

  2. While I do love the baby pictures you've been posting, I love this post too! I'm living vicariously through all of you that have chickens this year. Can't wait until we have a house again!
