Sunday, September 13, 2009

Caleb takes the lead!

Normally Joshua is first to do everything . He was the first to sit, smile, giggle, and crawl. We joke that he's trying to make up for being born second! Well finally Caleb has started a new skill that Joshua hasn't even attempted yet. Caleb pulls himself up. He learned how to go from a crawl position into a sitting position and now he grabs on to anything and pulls to a standing position. Crazy! Walking seems so close now.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my!! be afraid, be very afraid!! haha.

    I can't believe they are almost walking.

    And--Melia is KILLING me in that side picture. what A DOLL. Not that they all aren't but come on, between the tights, the headband, and the guitar--that girl has got me!!
