Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Why I home school!

I saw on a friend's blog her post about why she home schools. I loved it. I thought some out there might want to hear my thoughts on it since we just took Samantha out of what some may have seen as the perfect place. I always wanted to home school. When Samantha was little and school was starting I didn't have any solid answers to why, so we decided she would go to public school. Little did I know then you don't have to put your kid in school at age 5. Anyways, by the end of 1st grade I still wanted her home. Jeff finally met other parents at church who felt the same way and had better reasons then I. He agreed and we pulled her at once. I have been home schooling ever since. It was until recently though that the whys of home schooling have fallen in to place. I use to worry about her not being at the same level as other kids her age. I use to worry if we missed a day the world would end. I use to worry about what everyone else would think. Last year was hard for me. I had a ton of guilt because of all of the above thoughts and the fact I was pregnant with twins and not wanting to do a lot else. I also began to listen to non home schooling people tell me I needed a brake. I feel in to the lie that kids are a burden not a blessing. How wrong that is! My chilren are my biggest blessing. I was taking on to much and there would be no way to do it all with the babies and the toddlers. We got a scholarship at that time for Bellingham Christian. We felt that was what the Lord wanted. All summer long I mourned the loose of home schooling. The more I talked to friends who were about to start their year at home the sadder I got. Then school started for Sam. It was a rough start, but I began to understand why I wanted to home school. It took me 9 days exactly to decide BCS was not where Samantha or any of my kids were meant to be. So why do I home school? Its simple really. I want my kids to have a firm foundation when the go out in to the world. I want their days to be influenced by Christ's love not their peers opinion. I want my kids to know that doing your best just means trying your best not getting an A on a paper. I want them to see me living a Godly example of a wife and a mother. I will pause to say here I know may example is flawed because I am a sinner and will never be perfected until our Lord comes back. I want my heart to be for my kids. When they have struggles I want them to know where to turn for true comfort. Do I care any more if they read at the right level or multiple as fast as every one else. No! That is not important! Do I want my kids to learn to compare themselves to others? No! I know that my kids will grow and go out in to a world full of sin and corruption. When they do this I want to rest assured that they have been equipped to handle it with Christ in their heart. I also will take a pause here to say I know that just because I home school and am a believer doesn't mean my kids will turn out to believe. This I will leave in Gods hands, but will try my best to disciple and be a living example full of prayer.


  1. That was such a blessing to read! "I want their days to be influenced by Christ's love not their peers opinion." Was my favorite quote. Thank you so much for sharing this, it was very inspiring. Isn't it wonderful how the Lord gently leads us? His "rod and his staff", I prefer his staff as it is more gentle than the rod and sweetly guides in the ways we need to be going, tapping us on our sides, so to speak. In your case, having you put Samantha in school for a very short time gave you guys such a renewed vision for your family! Praise the Lord for His wonderful mercy towards us. I enjoy your blog and LOVE the pictures! ~Jenn

  2. Well said Ruth. I think that everyone finds their way and their "best" for their kids. I love that you wrote from the heart and that while you believe it all to be true, there was no "judgement" in your words for those that DO chose public school. Your kids have been BLESSED with a great example of a wife and mother. Keep it up :)
