Thursday, November 19, 2009

Melting mama's heart

Jeff's sister Lynn gave us these shirts after her twins were done with them. In case it's to hard to read it says my parents are exhausted. Jeff and I have decided it should say my mom is exhausted. Because this mom sure has been lately. I don't know if the boys are teething or what, but how Joshua looks in that picture is how most of the day is spent. Although sometimes I catch a picture that just melts my heart. Here are a few.Yep, they are eating paper out of a garbage can(nothing yucky allowed in that can). I think what gets me is their eyes.

They were so happy with the toys they found at Grandmas. Joshua has a raw hide bone and Caleb has a mouse with a jingle bell on the tail.


  1. I want to eat them up they are so delicious!

  2. Those shirts are perfect...just like your boys! I really like seeing your photography talent progress SO QUICKLY!! Nice work Ruth
