Thursday, November 11, 2010


No, no I am not having twins again. Babies is just the word that inspired this post. My boys talk a lot more then I ever thought they would at this age. I just had it in my head that boys take longer then girls. Not my two. Although Caleb is a little slower then Joshua. The number one spoken word around this house by far though is "babies". It means blanket, stuffed animals, and anyone their size or smaller(that means they call each other baby). On this morning Joshua decided it was very important his babies ate breakfast with him. He didn't let them go when I got him up. He didn't let them go when I changed his diaper. He didn't loosen his grip until he set them just the way he wanted and helped them have their food. I think he will make a good big brother for the newest little one in my tummy!!

1 comment:

  1. You have a sweetie on your hands, and a great big brother for sure!!!
