Monday, January 25, 2010

Tasting Spring

That is what we are doing in the great northwest. Just ask Jeff. He'll tell you that for the last week we have been getting a taste of spring to come. So with five kids and spring on your hands what do you do? Go to the park and have your first picnic of course!
After eating you can send your kids to burn of some of that energy they have been storing all winter. You know the energy you wish you had, but don't.
It was the first time the boys went on a swing. I know 1 years old and never on a swing. Caleb loved it. But who can blame him he did have a great swing pusher. Joshua however didn't love the swings. Noting to do with the pusher. He thought the play ground was much more fun. What was the little girls favorite thing you may wonder. Well walking in circles around a tree of course. They do this every time we go to this park. We can't leave until they get the chance.

And just in case you don't believe me that spring is showing itself. Here is one last photo to prove my point.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I miss the early spring in Bellingham!! LUCKY!!! And I miss all the great parks. but you know what I miss most....LAKE PADDEN! Go there for me!!
