Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 4, the mountain

So day four was our day to take in the mountain.  The high was the fact there was no rain!!  The low was a mishap in the morning that had me heading back to camp to return a dog and pick up shoes.  I didn't react the best, but soon was having fun and not caring.  We started the day at the Creation Museum, but I was driving and watching littles so I don't have much to say about it.  The kids really enjoyed it though and Caleb asked several times to return.  Also Samantha retained info from the presentation and then repeated it to when we were at the top of the mountain.  Driving up the mountain we followed the group from the museum, but didn't stay right with them.  Our first stop was a sunk a frame.  It was pretty cool.  The mud slides from the irruption covered it in mud.  The people dug it out and continued to use it.
 That is until the rainy season begun.  Now it looks like this.
Then we stopped at a stop the the forestry people created.  It was very cool!  I got some very pretty photos.
 Samantha enjoyed a walk through the museum there with Merriann.  I enjoyed watching my kids play with a dad dressed up like Iron man.  Afterwards Isaiah told Merriann he had doughnuts with Iron man and still talks about him.
Then we left the museum group as they headed off for a two hour hike on the landslide.  Something that we would love to do, but didn't seem reasonable with all the kids.  Instead we hit the top of the mountain.
It might not have been raining, but there were some angry clouds. 
And snow.
And a place that one day I would like to hike.
A quake maker.
And trees to remind us of the blast.
I tried for a kid photo, but still haven't learned how to Photoshop, so its not the best.
We had explained to the kids we were going to a volcano.  We had talked about what a volcano did. 
When we left Caleb kept asking when we would see the volcano.  I think he expected some lava!!  I hope we will be able to go back in later summer months when angry clouds are gone 
and views are better.

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