Monday, July 8, 2013

Getting out

Sometimes it is easy for this mom to become a hermit.  The planning, the loading, the everything..... it causes me to stay in a lot more then I would really like to.  The other day though I was inspired.  I was reading my friends blog and came across a picture that just made me need to pick up the camera.  You can see her picture here.  So, that is what I did.  Well first, I loaded the kids and headed to a local park.  Then I had fun taking photos.  Here are my inspired photos.
This photo was hard to get, but I really wanted it!!  Whenever Isaiah noticed the camera he would run.
The rest were simply my kids, doing what they do best, playing!

1 comment:

  1. Love this, Ruth! I'd imagine it is very hard to get out with a bunch of young children. I love that you used a photography opportunity as motivation to go do something! Great pictures. =)
