Saturday, February 7, 2015


I thought it was time to update the world(yes I am sure the world reads this) on my road to better health.  Life was going great with my #6weekstofab program and then the holidays hit.  Okay, I'll be honest.  The magical thing that is fudge hit.  It is my weakness.  It's why I never make it!  As soon as the sugar craze was on the gluten was quick to follow.  And then my waist was getting bigger and not smaller!  I knew the crap I was eating was the problem.  It was obvious that gluten, dairy, and sugar were to blame(not my total lack of self control when faced with them). So I decided a detox was in order.  Now I have done my fair share.  Just drinking juice and eating nothing but fruit and veggies for 15(okay 13) days.  But I wanted something that I could stick to after.  Maybe not perfectly, but one that would reset my body and be manageable for longer term. That's when I found the Whole30.  In steps the book It Starts With Real Food.  I got excited!   I started learning how my body and food worked(or didn't work) together. I got a buddy to do it with me.  She has been a life saver I didn't know I needed!  It has been seven days.  I have only been able to work out a few of those days.  I am currently sick.  The sickest I've been for a while.  I have no voice(try getting six kids to listen when all you can do is whisper). But I have seen change!    I have felt change!  You aren't suppose to weigh or measure during the program, but I didn't hear you couldn't take pictures.  Okay, maybe you are only suppose to do this at the start and end, but I couldn't resist.  I know you have been holding your breath, so here you go.  Day one and day seven(I really am happy at day seven, but to sick to smile).
 I feel like there is something you all should know.  I am 5 foot 2 inches.  That may mean nothing to you, but if you are short you will understand.  5 pounds on my frame looks like 20 pounds on someone taller.  Gaining or losing!

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