Thursday, July 23, 2009

Our Lords Beauty

Tonight I was touched by our Lords beauty and amazed by his creation. I had Caleb sick and fussy in my arms while Joshua fussed and bounced in his Jumperoo. I noticed a golden light coming in the window and knew the sun set must be pretty. I went to the window and the Lord touched me with His glory. It was very simple really. Just some clouds, but they were amazing clouds. I felt as if I were in the sky looking down on many small hills and valleys. The golden glow from the sunset lit up all the peaks with the most beautiful golden glow. The valleys were all dark and grey. What a contrast! I wish I had a camera that could have captured the scene, but it never could have captured the emotion of the moment. Tears in eyes, baby in arms with wheezy airways and baby fussing away in a jumper, and so much love and joy filling my heart. I am so blessed to have a Savior who has given me all these wonderful things and so much more that I take for granted every day that I don't stop to see. I pray that he will help me to see this world the way he does. To stop and see people with his eyes and not my own. I pray that he will guide me where I need to go and give me my strength along the way.


  1. You are so awesome! I miss having you in my daily life!!

  2. ok so I had a week away from the computer (had company) and I was finally able to go back and leave comments at all your posts. Sorry you have to go back a page. I started at the cosco table!! :) LOVE ALL THE POSTS!!

  3. :) I am an addict of your blog too!! Is it bad that getting a comment is so thrilling??!! I think it just means we appreciate the little things. Right?? :) Wow, 7 babies. that is awesome!!!
