Saturday, March 6, 2010

Thank you!!

I just wanted to say thank you to all who have given me so much support and prayer. Thank you Ruth for letting me go to your house when being alone seemed to much. Thank you Merriann for letting me hold your precious baby and not even knowing how much it meant to me. Thank you Lord for giving me the strength to go on. Last night I got home after a great day and cried. I hadn't really cried yet since I confirmed I was no longer pregnant. It felt good. My husband and I talked and cried and thought about how blessed we really are. This is going to take more time then I thought to be all the way okay, but I will still lean on the Lord for my strength and understanding.


  1. Ruth - I was praying for you last night - I knew going home after a long day would be a let down...but those tears are right and matter what anyone says/thinks, you are mourning the loss of a child, the hopes and dreams every parent has once they know they are pregnant...
    I felt bad after you left that we didn't "talk" more, but then I remembered back through my times of loss, and sometimes I just needed to experience some and I think yesterday was perfect for you (and me!). Call me today if you need to talk..I'll be praying for you today!

  2. Of course it will take time. Please give yourself that without somehow feeling that the grief means you are doubting God. It is ok to mourn something that you know is perfect in His plan. It is still sad to realize an end to the plans you had started with a November arrival. I am praying for you too!!
