Monday, March 1, 2010


is the day that my daughter was born. 11 years ago at 10:11am Samantha made her entry into this world. She was 7lbs 7oz. My water broke early in the morning and off to the hospital I went. I had decided to give birth naturally so I spent most my time in a shower. After about 8 hours it was time to push. The nurse told me I couldn't because my doctor was still in Lynden. I told her that I didn't care who caught the baby. My doctors causal stroll quickly changed when he enter my room and saw the baby was almost out with out him. She was a sweet baby and still is a sweet child. For her birthday this year she had a tea party. My mom kindly bought her a tea pot and cups since we have none. 3 of her friends came dressed in beautiful dresses and then stayed the night. She had ice cream cake that she has been longing for since seeing it on The Duggars. She got wonderful gifts and had fun with her girlfriends. Who could ask for anything more. Well how about a dad to teach you how to hold a tea cup the proper way.
And if that still isn't enough. Well then how about finding out that mom is going to have baby number six. Happy times!!


  1. Congratulations to all 5 of you on a new Doyle! How exciting!!! What a sweet story of Samantha's arrival, too :) 11 years - I can't even imagine how fast that's going to come with my boys!

  2. Kristen---don't you mean all SEVEN of you!!!?!?!

    CONGRATULATIONS DOYLE FAMILY!!! I can't think of a better group to just keep growing. I am so very happy for you all. You threw me off with some comments lately that made me think there might be a break before #6:) I can't believe that he/she is already brewing!! Although...I should have had a suspicion.

  3. When are you due?? When do we get some details??!?

  4. Happy Birthday Samantha! Looks like you had a great time! & congrats to the whole family on the baby!

  5. Haha, thanks Amy! I did of course mean all 7 of them :) I was only counting the kids :) Congratulations to all 7 of you Doyles :)

  6. Yah! Congrats to the sweet Doyle family! I am anxious to see how cute this one will guys make some adorable babies!!

  7. Congrats Doyle family, so excited for you all!!
    and like Mrs. Honey wrote you do make some cuties!!
    BTW this is Roxana from church
