Friday, February 13, 2009

Moments with Melia

Melia can crack me up, amaze me, and frustrate me to no end all with her words. I thought I would share some of these moments. Yesterday I was driving home from my moms house which takes about 30 minutes. I soon heard Melia singing from the back. I don't know how many of you know the teeth brushing song that uses different times to brush your teeth, but Melia's version went like this. "When you wake up in the morning and its quarter to 6 you have nothing to do but pick up eggs. You brush your teeth. Ch ch ch ch. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7(spoken very softly). When you wake up in the morning and its quarter to 7 you have nothing to so but pick up logs. You brush your teeth. Ch ch ch ch. 1,2,,3,4,5,6,7,8. When you wake up in the morning and it quarter to 8 you have nothing to do but pick up grass. . . ." This went on till ten. The thing you do is suppose to rhyme with the number. Hers not so much. At least I know she can count to ten. Her new favorite number is cat. This is four in French. She likes to call it kitty. You can never leave the ketchup lid open in her presence. She will make you close it and has done so since she was about 2. Recently her dad taught her Mary Had a Little Lamb on a play piano. Yesterday she taught both Samantha and Kellina how to play it on the big piano. She also made up a story about Adam and Eve that starred goldfish. These are all good things. Her most challenging moments are when she thinks she knows more then you and wants to do it her way no matter what. She had one of those moments when I tried to get her to pose for her picture.

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